Is it possible to warm your home with knitted items?How to make your apartment cozier using yarn? What can you do on your own, even without any special knitting skills? We will share the best tips and show you 20 great ideas that you should start implementing right now. We know very well how to get rid of the cold in the winter cold: warm clothes, hot tea or mulled wine, a warming bubble bath. But it is known that man is a suggestible creature, and if he sees halva, then contrary to the proverb, it still becomes a little sweeter in his mouth. He sees snow - he gets cold. October and November are generally a real test for nerves and health. We still literally physically remember the summer heat, we are sad about the passing Indian summer, and at night we are already shivering in a blanket. What to do in such a situation to warm up your body and soul? Today we have another offer. Let's knit! Don't know how? Either learn or order from your friends who are into handicrafts. And we will show you the best ideas, in our opinion, that you can implement at home. You will warm yourself up and brag to your friends. We will start with a surprise. Usually they end with it, but we will immediately demonstrate a cool feature of this season to amaze your imagination, and then show you all the ideas in the assortment. So, this feature is knitted wallpaper. No, we have not gone crazy. You do not need to knit the entire perimeter of your apartment. It is quite possible to make a canvas for one wall or even part of it. And if you have a knitting machine, this is generally a matter of a couple of weeks at most. A great activity for autumn evenings! Advice: do not start knitting a large canvas at once - make a sample, attach it to the wall and decide whether the chosen color and texture of the yarn suits the entire interior.
Blankets are our everything in winter.Wrapping yourself in them is so feminine, you know it yourself. Sleeping under a knitted blanket is cozy. Even your cat knows it. You can throw a blanket over a sofa or an armchair, and the room will immediately be transformed, as if you had done a cosmetic renovation. And just one movement! And a little work to make this essential accessory. Tip: a blanket that you often use can stretch and change shape. To reduce these "surprises" to a minimum, choose yarn with some synthetic content, so the product will retain its original configuration longer.
Following the blanket, we make knitted covers forpillows. The more of them, the better. Place the pillows on the sofa or stack them, make them plain or colored. It doesn't matter. But make sure they are in your interior. Tip: large decorative buttons will perfectly decorate your pillow covers.
We look at the floor and realize that it is smalla knitted rug is a must! Even if you have a wooden or just warm floor, standing barefoot on a warm, soft wool surface is a real pleasure. Advice: make the rug such a size that it is convenient to wash it if necessary or take it to the cleaners.
A knitted pouf can replace it if necessarysofa, armchair, coffee table, pillow… As a decor - simply irreplaceable. It is better to make several pieces of different colors. It will invigorate! Advice: use old things, fabric scraps, synthetic materials for stuffing the cover. You will get wonderful soft "furniture". Our opinion: - When tying an ottoman or any other item, provide the ability to remove such a cover and wash it. But be sure to choose the appropriate mode, in almost all cases it will be hand wash. Do not wring out the washed knitted item, twisting it. Lightly squeeze the fabric with your hands, wringing out the water, and then lay it out to dry on a flat surface, putting a waterproof base and natural fabric underneath.
Has it ever occurred to you to change the light bulb inbedroom or a floor lamp in the living room? Can't decide? Until you decide, make a knitted "dress" for your old lamps. For some reason, we are sure that you will not want to change the lamps later. Advice: any lamp can be simply decorated with yarn randomly wound around the lampshade - quickly and no less impressive than the knitted version.
A cozy armchair with a knitted blanket, next to a lamp withopenwork lampshade - you want to pour some tea and settle down in this cozy corner, dreaming of summer, without running to the kitchen to warm up a cold teapot. And what do you need for this? That's right! Insulate both the teapot and the glasses! After you have knitted the wallpaper, this is literally a matter of one evening. Advice: if you are knitting identical cups, choose yarn of different shades, and vice versa - decorate different-sized dishes with single-color balls.
Do you have any yarn left over from "insulating" your dishes?You probably have at least a few live plants, maybe even exotic ones. And now we are making a great decoration for flower pots. Green leaves against the background of such a bright decor will remind you of the summer riot of colors and warm autumn days. Advice: Do not knit the fabric the same size as the flower pot, it is better if there is a distance of about 2-3 centimeters between the lower part of the knitted decor and the tray for draining water. This will protect the product from constant wetting when watering.
Where is the most convenient place to put yarn forneedlework, sewing threads, all sorts of little things that are always lying around? Of course, in knitted bags! Everything will lie neatly, within reach, and by changing the location of such knitted organizers of different colors and shades, you will also refresh the decor of the room. Tip: such a knitted organizer will look great in the kitchen or bathroom. It can be attached to a railing or hung on a hook next to the countertop.
And finally, an idea for the implementation of whichIt takes half an hour to an hour. Decorate the candles with a knitted border, put them on a coffee table or prepare them as a gift for friends. When you light such a candle, the room will become a little more magical. Just do not forget to put it out in time so as not to spoil the decoration. Advice: such a knitted decoration can be reusable, or better yet, simply decorative. Take it off when you light a candle and put it on an unlit one standing nearby.
Our opinion:— If you are into knitting and are pleased to see how your apartment interior is being transformed, use your own imagination and add your own options to the ones we have suggested. In fact, there are a great many ideas for decorating with yarn and knitting needles. These include knitted covers for boxes with children's toys, delicate napkins for the holiday table, and decorations for the New Year tree. Now is the time to do all of this.
How to Transform Your Home for Autumn: 10 Warm Tips and 20 Ideas –