A large selection is very great.But how easy it is to get lost among the abundance of excellent options! We put the six most popular finishing materials for walls on the shelves. It often happens: you dream of gluing floral wallpaper all your life, but when it comes to the point, it turns out that there are many other materials besides wallpaper. Making a choice is not easy! We have collected the basic information on six finishing materials and are happy to share it with you. Wallpaper Wallpaper is, it seems, the easiest option. But no such luck! Not everyone knows that is a matter that requires important knowledge. And it is so easy to make a mistake with , and realize this only when the wallpaper is already glued to the walls. Wallpaper can , which children will especially like. You will find answers to all questions at the links.Paint With paint it's even more complicated.For example, if you want to have blue walls, you should know that there are hundreds of shades of this color, and it is extremely difficult to guess the right one right away. But you have a choice. And it is not at all necessary to completely paint the wall with one color - there is . And paint is also suitable for finishing walls not only in living spaces, . The main thing is to know how to use it correctly.
Decorative plaster Smooth paintedwalls — this is not your choice, you want to show more imagination? With the help of you can create any pattern, including volumetric. The surface of the walls will look exactly as you want, and to the touch it will be completely different than when using wallpaper or paint.
The clapboard and other wood look greatnot only in country houses, but also in city apartments. The main thing is to know how and where to use it. By the way, in your projects. You can look and adopt the experience. And by the way, if you like the wood on the walls, but don't like the lining, there is also .
3D Panels If you like the idea of panels, butyou want them to play not only a finishing but also a decorative role in the interior, you will definitely like them. They can occupy the entire wall or be combined with other materials, for example, with the same decorative plaster. There are a great many original ones, and we tried to study the most interesting of them.
Lincrusta And if you want everything at once,perhaps the solution will be . It has a little bit of 3D panels, decorative plaster, paint, and wallpaper. All you have to do is choose the pattern, and you can experiment with the color of the lincrusta as much as you like - and your interior will become truly unique.
Than to finish walls: a paint, wall-paper, lincrust and others