Design and Decor

5 components of the Chinese interior


Alas, if we are talking about some things, that theyOf Chinese production, then most often we mean their low quality. Meanwhile cheap in all senses of crafts and household items have nothing to do with the centuries-old culture of China. The fashion for Chinese-style interiors periodically returns, gaining more supporters and connoisseurs. One has only once to feel the amazing, incomparable energy of the Eastern soul, and you can no longer tear it away, abandon the design that combines exotics and traditions, bold decisions and age-old values. This is not furniture and trinkets, it is a philosophy, a special perception of the world, reality, itself.

Interior with subtext

It seems that every thing, every motive storesSome mystery, a special meaning, where there are no universal solutions, the same impressions, inevitable addiction. A special color scheme of the Chinese style does not scream, but whispers, does not catch sight, but caresses the eye. This is its main difference from traditional Central Asian luxury and splendor, where gold prevails in everything, suppressing the refinement of natural materials. That is why the Chinese style can be considered a golden mean in the choice of decor and furnishings, which will become the concept of the life of the owners of the house for many years.

Philosophy and character

It is impossible to create a Chinese interior without beinga professional designer and lacking experience in learning the culture, philosophy, traditions of this great country. Having penetrated the spirit of being of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, you can become a little Chinese yourself, and then you will gain a sense of proportion and a sense of the relevance of every little thing that defines your truly Chinese style. Otherwise, you risk turning your house or apartment into a tastelessly furnished room, where things will be just soulless objects, and a thoughtlessly chosen color scheme will make the interior lurid. The main features inherent in the Chinese style are softness, smoothness, lightness, airiness, grace, plasticity. It seems that in the conditions of standard apartments it is impossible to comply with these rules, but a successful solution can be found through design techniques, thoughtful arrangement of furniture, the use of decorative accessories, such as screens, partitions and shelves.


No matter how perfect the resultingthe interior is in the Chinese style, without a very important element, it will remain just a set of objects and furniture. This decisive element is the lighting, to which the Chinese have sacred meaning. The energy of any room depends on how and where the lamps and lamps are located, where their light is directed, whether it complements the sun's rays or successfully imitates them. The main rule is naturalness, and again naturalness. Small tricks will help to achieve this goal: you can place one lamp behind a light, translucent screen, or even better, install several small lamps so that they pass the "baton of fire" to each other. At the same time, traditional Chinese lanterns will not only reveal the secluded corners of rooms, but also become an organic, logical addition to the interior.

Decor and Accessories

Paper or woven wallpaper, imitating silk,Literally ask in Chinese interiors. You are lucky if you have a friend the calligrapher: his hieroglyphics or ornamental patterns will further strengthen the atmosphere of the East. When choosing furniture, give preference to items made of rattan, bamboo and softwood. Small incrustations for precious stones and inserts of marble will give the interior a subtlety. Of course, as a supplement to the situation will be appropriate bamboo vases, statues, porcelain dishes, bronze lamps, paintings of silk.


Do not forget about careful selection of colorCombinations. In Chinese culture, blue or blue symbolize dignity and nobility, red attracts luck and brings sun warmth to the house, green gives peace. In any interior, besides the characteristic mandatory conditions, there is a place for fantasy, non-standard solutions, bold experiments. Do not be afraid to invent: this is how centuries ago those styles were created that are now considered to be traditional and fundamental. Author's additions will decorate any classics, if you do not change the sense of proportion and taste.

