A fireplace in the apartment remained an unfulfilled dream for many yearsthe dream of most city dwellers. However, with the development of technology, the magic of "live" fire became not only closer, but also more accessible. We are sure that very soon electric fireplaces will be as popular as air conditioners, at least we do not see any obstacles to this
An open fire fireplace in a house is one of the mostancient symbols of warmth and comfort. However, the industrial age of rampant urbanism dictates its own laws of life and slowly but surely takes away our ancestral heritage, filling it with innovative developments of various kinds. Among them, you can find inventions close to the fantastic, for example, a fire that warms but does not burn. Where can you find such a thing? In electric fireplaces, of course!
The birth of electric fireplaces occurred in the middlelast century in Great Britain. As for the technical characteristics, everything is simple here: the heart of the unit is an infrared heating element powered by electricity. The electric fireplace does not need wood or coal, and this, in turn, completely eliminates the need to use any fireplace utensils, as well as obtaining special permits for installation.
Going into a little technical detail, we note that all such fireplaces are divided according to two criteria: installation method and firebox dimensions.Natalia Sofronova, interior designer:— The most common installation option is an electric fireplace built into a portal. The frame in this case is used not only as a fastener, but also performs a decorative function, giving the fireplace a finished look. owletdesign.com
Natalia Sofronova, interior designer:
— There are also electric fireplaces thatmounted on the wall, like a picture or a TV. The presence of specially prepared niches and any protective surfaces is not required for this type of installation. In a room where there is enough free space, you can install free-standing fireplaces, everything is very simple here. The most difficult in terms of installation method can be called an electric fireplace built into the wall. The reason is that such a unit requires initial preparation of the surface for installation. This method is most acceptable at the stage of general repair of the room. owletdesign.com
Any other option except the last one is notrequires preliminary preparation of the space, so you can install an electric fireplace in your apartment even after renovation. Portals for electric fireplaces are made of any materials, be it wood, stone or polyurethane. There are countless of them on the market, of any color, style and size. Thus, the only necessary element for the stable operation of such a fireplace is a close location of the socket and a voltage of 220 V.
Such devices, in addition to their aesthetic function,can also implement a heating one. One source of "electric flame" with a heating power of 2 kW is quite enough to heat a room of 20 m2.
Glenrich Rondo S36 RUR 36,000The fireplace insert will suit a portal of any style. The glass of the device is semicircular, thanks to which a high-quality dummy can be seen in all details. Dimplex Derby Danville Chrome 98,400 p. This fireplace with a portal is also equipped with an OptiMyst smoke effect. The design of the fireplace is quite simple, decorated with a classic ornament. Lindos Engine 95,500 p. Another fireplace with a smoke effect from Dimplex. However, this model is equipped with a portal in the style of classic minimalism. It is controlled using a remote control. Glenrich Georgia 78,000 p. This model can withstand the placement of a TV on the top cover and has a two-stage heating system. Electric fireplace Scarlett SC-2055 4,490 p. An option for those looking for "cheap and cheerful". Reviews of this model are mostly good. The only thing that owners lack is the sound of "burning logs". Volcano 54,900 р. This electric fireplace is completely customizable to its owner. The crackling of the flame can be turned off, the intensity of the "fire" can be adjusted. There are also two heating levels. Dewy 7,500 р. This electric fireplace weighs only two and a half kilograms. The model is portable and equipped with a humidifier. Govard suite 69,000 р. The design of this model can safely be called traditional. The most successful of the wide Firespace 33W S IR fireplaces was used in the assembly. Another nice detail is the portal design, equipped with a shelf. Tokio FS33SIR WT 69,000 р. This electric fireplace is equipped with a high-quality luxury fireplace and is decorated in the style of Japanese minimalism. Dimplex Opti-Myst Redway fireplace 87,000 р. This wall-mounted electric fireplace will appeal to lovers of minimalism and all-in-one devices. Here you have the effect of a "live" fire, and control over the intensity of smoke, and a heating mode independent of the flame. Dimplex Multi-fireplace Opti-Myst Silverton 67,000 RUR The main advantage of this fireplace is the logs, which can be freely moved and laid out in any composition. The "live" flame, according to the owners, is indistinguishable from a real one, and the logs themselves are equipped with LEDs for greater effect. Opti-V 2,251,000 RUR This model was originally created for bars and restaurants. A new development using LED technology creates the effect of flying sparks. Leran ND-20B1 10,990 RUR A budget model - ideal for a summer house and a country house. This fireplace weighs a lot - almost a quarter of a centner, but it is equipped with an automatic shutdown in case of overheating and tipping over. Leran EF455 9,990 RUR This fireplace can be installed either directly next to a flat surface or mounted into a wall. Dimplex Bingham 177,000 RUR This freestanding fireplace will look great in a minimalist interior. However, please note that this model does not have a heating function.