Design and Decor

Cheat Sheets from Roomble: How to Understand That the Color You've Chosen Doesn't Suit Your Interior –

Did it fit or not? To paint or to repaint?How to reduce the "stress factor" when choosing colors for the interior? Finally, how to spot and correct a mistake? Our article contains advice from professionals and real-life examples. About 40 percent of sales in European paint stores are due to "repeat purchases" - that is, "working on mistakes." In Russia, such statistics are not kept, but it is unlikely to be much different. Choosing a color for the interior is at the very top of the "stress list" of renovation work. And this is no accident. , turning small into large, dull into energetic, and shabby into ultra-fashionable. But also on the reverse transformations - with the same ease. How to understand that you are making a mistake and correct it in time? This unsociable color If you are not a decorator and are generally far from art, your main assistants are color charts, with the help of which you can determine the degree of “compatibility” of colors and shades, and your own taste. “Color must be thought out, inspired and dreamed of,” believed the symbolist Moreau. And although he, of course, meant painting, not interiors, in a three-dimensional space this principle works no worse than on the plane of a painting. The perception of color is individual, and comfortable shades should be selected taking into account your needs and preferences. Getting inspired by art objects and the works of your favorite artists is also a great way.Claude Monet's Kitchen in GivernyInterior in the style of Piet MondrianRembrandt's House in Amsterdam Alexey Eliseev,Manders: - Any project should start with a properly selected composition. It does not matter whether you are a professional or an amateur. You need to start with the items that are already there or will definitely be in your space - for example, the color of the furniture. And then add all the other colors: ceiling, walls, floors, etc. The basic composition should be comfortable and consistent, and then all that remains for you is to adhere to this combination during the renovation and selection of paints, wallpaper, flooring, lighting, etc. The best options are obtained when the main colors of the composition do not differ from each other dramatically or, in any case, do not contradict each other. Then at the exit you will find a balanced result that will tie together all the elements of your space. If you follow this simple rule, you will be able to create an excellent interesting interior. It is best to come to the store already having an idea of ​​​​your future color composition or at least its basics. It is too late to look for inspiration in the store, you will be surrounded by too many colors, colors and shades. Our specialists will be able to help you adjust or select the right shade to what you already have. Your walls don't suit you "Bad diseasefitting room" is a typical interior coloristic problem. If you don't like the way your skin looks in the bathroom mirror or your friends' faces at the living room table, it's most likely the color of the walls or the shade it takes on under certain lighting that is to blame. Most often, unsuccessful experiments with green and cold gray shades lead to this result. Our opinion:— To fix this problem, choose warmer modifications of your favorite colors. And if you want a 100% guarantee of a good mood after your morning routine, use shades that can “flatter” human skin: pink, peach and blue. Darkness is not for you Turn on more lights,than you needed before the renovation? Do you try not to read or sit at the computer in this room anymore? This means that the color you chose is too dark for you. Remember that too much dark in a small room can make it look smaller. Our opinion:— There may be several solutions to this problem. If you don’t want to part with the dark color you’ve chosen, try to accent one wall and choose lighter shades of the same tone for the others. Another option is to leave not only the ceiling white, but also a stripe near the wall, this solution will “raise” the ceiling above your head. Finally, glossy and light surfaces of the floor and furniture, textiles, paintings and prints in light frames will help. Alexey Eliseev, Manders:— Underestimating the changes in brightness and temperature of light during the day is one of the typical mistakes of buyers. It is important to remember that the color you choose will look different in dim daylight and bright sunlight, and will change even more in artificial light. To avoid mistakes, you need to make several samples and observe them at different times of the day in illuminated and shaded areas of your space. Only then will you be able to correctly evaluate the color. Such samples are generally a mandatory or, in any case, a very desirable stage of wall finishing work. Keep in mind that you need to make samples not on the wall, but on separate sheets, 3-5 options, no more, so as not to get confused. Keep in mind that in addition to natural light and evening lamps, there will be reflections from curtains or other window decor on the walls - and they can also give an additional shade. Brighter than the sun Guests praise your courage andare photographed in your living room, you like the look "from the cover", but during the brightest time of the day you prefer to go to another room and draw the curtains, and in the evenings you have stopped turning on the "overhead light"? This is a sure sign that your color is too bright for you. It can be beautiful, original, and combined with all objects and accessories, but it still does not suit you personally. Neon madness is not for everyone. Our opinion:— Try leaving one bright wall as an accent, and painting the rest in a less aggressive range. This way, you can preserve the color and reduce the contrast. Another option is to choose bright “classic” colors and combine them with natural surfaces and a variety of colorful patterns and accessories. Boring house Much more common is the oppositeproblem. Have you started turning off the TV less often, leaving clothes scattered around the room and buying bright books and magazines? Most likely, your interior is too monotonous and the eye wants colors. This usually happens if the owners have overused white and shades of "baked milk". Living in a house whose palette is limited to a couple of faded tones is quite depressing. Our opinion:— The simplest solution is bright accents: . Another option is the neighborhood of black or very dark brown: next to the charcoal color, all the others acquire additional brightness and purity. The third way is to add contrast to the interior, that is, significantly darker or lighter objects than the main range, but of the same tone. All the colors of the rainbow You stopped loving"open spaces" and started closing the doors? You don't like the way your hallway looks from the living room? "Color claustrophobia" is evident. Most likely, when choosing the main color scheme, you forgot that a house or apartment is a single composition, but unlike a painting, for example, not flat, but voluminous. The main colors in the rooms should be combined and harmonized for a comfortable life. Exceptions look good in fashionable hotels, night clubs and kindergartens. To create private "rainbow" interiors, you need the help of a very good colorist. Our opinion:— It is not easy to bring order to the color chaos, but it is possible. To do this, you need to connect the rooms with compatible accessories or textiles. For example, paint the mirror frame in the hall to match the color of the living room walls or hang curtains in the living room that will echo the bedroom decoration. Alexey Eliseev, Manders:— The hardest time to choose paints is during initial construction or major repairs. 95 percent of buyers start choosing a color when the walls have already been prepared for painting. This is where most of the mistakes come from, because it is very difficult to navigate in such conditions and correctly assess the color. The perception of color on the site is greatly distorted. Remember that on the white background of a wall prepared for work, any paint sample or sample will look brighter and darker than it actually is. The color, its tone and brightness will be affected by the flooring, furniture, curtains, artificial light. Until all this is present, the color in the space will look completely different. If you understand that you can no longer correctly assess the shade, stick to the color composition that you initially chose. And then the chances of making a mistake will be much lower. Sometimes, in order to understand how accurately you managed to choose a color, you need to live in it for several months or six months. And this is also not a tragedy. Modern paints are easy to apply, and are not too expensive - if you want, you can change the mood of your rooms with color at least every season. In any case, when experimenting with colors,Focus primarily on your own taste and feelings, and only then on the fashion trends of the season. It would be a good idea to consider the purpose of the rooms. Few people sleep well in a Ferrari-red bedroom, children are unlikely to want to play in a milk chocolate-colored room, and it is not interesting to have fun gatherings in a gray living room.

