Warm blankets on the beds, soft colors, cozyLight, wooden furniture: there are many things that can make a home comfortable. This typical American house combines all the signs of coziness Artists no longer huddle in dusty, damp-smelling attics. Famous photographer Mike Penny (and who are photographers if not painters of the 21st century?) settled in a three-story apartment that previously served faithfully as offices for several commercial organizations.
Transformation of work areas into living spacesThe space was taken over by professionals from TG-Studio. The architects designed three residential levels in a modern style with a deep nod to the Wild West and traditional Western culture. This approach is expressed in the skillful use of accents. The neutral background palette only favors this. The only bright spots can be found in the living room - a green console and a blue chair transparently hint that guests should concentrate here and not wander around the house.
Star-spangled banner, leather chair in the bestAmerican ranch traditions, a photo portrait of a buffalo, animal heads on the walls and even a photo of an Indian with a totem bird leave no doubt - patriotism in this house is valued no less than good taste.
Overall, TG-Studio has created an original, beautiful and, most importantly, cozy space that is certainly very interesting to live in.
Editorial opinion:— For some reason, we don’t often strive to demonstrate love for our homeland. But a patriotic impulse can have a very good effect on the interior. And for this, it is not at all necessary to hang the national flag on the windows; it is enough to use its colors selectively. As a wall decor, you can use photographs or drawings of plants, birds or animals typical for your place of residence. Based on this idea, you have every chance of creating something outstanding. Go for it! homedsgn.com
The house where you want to spend the whole winter