If you have always dreamed of making your interior a littlemore bohemian or have heard something about the boho-chic style, but were afraid to ask, you are in the right place. Today we will dispel doubts and give you confidence. Since a little boho can be added to every interior
Bohemian style in interior design is not so far fromour earthly life. In fact, the main difference of bohemian interiors is freedom and unlimited creative impulse. Today we will analyze the boho-chic style into its components and reveal its main secret. 1. Light background
For such a charismatic style, a light background is most desirable - bright shades, rich textures, and many details from different styles and eras will be easiest to “make friends” with in a neutral background.
2. Light lighting
Boho chic is, first and foremost, a mood.In terms of emotional coloring, there is no more powerful tool in the interior designer's arsenal than lighting. The right choice of its sources will help create an ambience of any nature.
3. Hand-made objects
Boho-chic is the style of free creative individuals,ready to realize themselves in any field. This means that watercolors with running horses, pottery items, canvases with calligraphy and cardboard airplane models simply need to find a worthy place in the interior.
4. Trophies from travels
Everything from fridge magnets to authentic pieces of furniture can and should become a full-fledged part of a boho-chic interior.
5. Brightly colored handmade textiles
Patchwork quilts, homespun rugs, hand-embroidered scarves and shawls, folk costumes and canopies are some of the most striking distinctive features of the boho-chic style.
6. Art objects
This point is unlikely to come as a surprise.However, there is one thing to keep in mind when looking for a suitable fruit of the mind - it must be real. It cannot be a replica or reproduction - only original pieces of art, because, after all, you are creating your own piece of interior art.