What steps need to be taken to ensure thatmake your home safe for your child, what new gadgets do manufacturers offer to prevent the possibility of children getting injured? Let's talk about this and make our homes safer Living space simply must be the safest place on earth for each of us, and especially for children, who from an early age can be in for unpleasant surprises in the house.Little children are always curious and interested inthe world around them, which they are constantly exploring. And as we know, one of the most effective ways to learn about the world is through experience. However, in order for the baby's experience to be positive and not leave negative memories, it is necessary to make the house safe for the child.
What is dangerous for a child in the house?and what measures need to be taken If precautions are taken in a timely manner, the house will be safe for the baby. To do this, parents need to check and prepare each room. Chests of drawers, cabinets and shelves Firstly, all tall and heavy furniture should be securely fastened. This will prevent it from tipping over if a curious baby decides to climb onto a shelf or climb onto a chest of drawers. Secondly, cabinet doors should be closed with special plastic brackets that the child will not be able to open. It is necessary to close the doors of all cabinets, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, since household chemicals may be stored there.
Sockets and extension cords Extension cords and wirespose a danger to everyone, as you can accidentally catch the cable and fall or knock over the connected devices. But sockets are more dangerous for children who do not yet know how to use them properly. Sockets in a house where there is a small child should be safe, for example, you can install special sockets with a flat front panel, like Legrand.
Doors On the doors you needinstall special locks so that the child cannot pinch his fingers. If the doors have glass inserts, it is important that the glass has bright stickers, as they do in shopping centers, to draw attention to the glass panel.
Curtain loops and blind cords Byethe child is small, it is better to refuse loops and grabs for curtains. This also applies to blinds, since the baby can get tangled in their ropes. It is better to replace ordinary blinds with paper blinds "Shottis" from IKEA. They also block bright sunlight, and for adjustment they use not ropes, but special clamps. You can install such blinds on the windows yourself in 15 minutes, since they are attached with Velcro and you do not have to drill anything.
Temperature fluctuations in water supply linesThe water in our homes is not ideal, and often there are both temperature fluctuations and changes in the pressure of its supply. You can avoid these shortcomings by installing plumbing with a built-in thermostat, like the Grohe brand, which has developed a special TurboStat technology. This technology allows you to regulate the temperature and pressure of the water, which will forever eliminate the need to dodge cool or too hot water in the shower.
Windows Windows are of particular interest to children,therefore, they must be installed securely. It is equally important that the child cannot open the frame on his own - you should use special models with removable handles or protect the windows from opening with special locks. Windows of this kind can be ordered from the company "Eurostyle Service". Also on sale are window blockers that lock the frames.
Kitchen equipment Kitchen is the most dangerousplace for a baby, since it contains equipment and complex mechanisms. It is best not to allow a child to be in the kitchen unattended, but just in case, it is necessary to provide the following safety measures:
- All doors of cabinets should be closed on special blockers from children;
- mobile equipment (electric kettle, toaster, etc.) must be disconnected from the mains and placed outside the reach of the child;
- The child protection mode must be turned on on the hob panel, the same applies to the oven;
- if you have a gas cooker with manual controls, you need to close them with special lids that will not allow the kid to accidentally turn on the gas supply;
- The hob needs to be closed after each use, now many manufacturers have equipped similar covers with their plates.
A child is the greatest happiness in a family, so it is important that happiness lives in a safe and comfortable home.