Where to hide hard-earned money, where is it necessary for this?make holes, what to do with unclaimed waste paper and how to give a second life to an aerosol - you will learn from our selection today. All of us, homeowners, are the same - we are afraid of burglars, but stubbornly continue to hide our wealth under the mattress, or, at worst, in the underwear. But our apartments can confuse a person with bad intentions so much that he will forget why he came. We asked all our friends and made a short list of possible places to store valuables that you probably never thought about before. Of course, our selection can also be read by those very master key collectors, so we suggest using the material as a starting point, and not a guide to action. In any case, you will find this article extremely useful.
1. Furniture
a) The base of cabinets, bedside tables and chests of drawers canbecome a great place for folders with papers, boxes with valuable but unused small items or tight bundles of currency. It would hardly occur to a thief to move a huge wardrobe.b) Shelves can be not just boards with fasteners, but also a full-fledged pull-out drawer. Unexpected, right?
c) Double bottoms are found not only in 17th century chests, but also in modern wardrobes, sideboards and buffets. Think about it. It is better to make the doors of such cabinets glass, to divert attention.
d) Long hollow capsules can be stuffedat least all the doors of your furniture - you can hide flash drives in some, money in others, and pieces of paper with passwords in others. The rest can be filled with caramels to distract attention. Or toffees - if you can't put the thief in jail, at least let him suffer from tooth decay.
2. Special items
a) Today, you can already find hiding places in online stores, disguised as the most ordinary things. For example, such a corner can be a fake switch with a lock.b) Or a lamp. And a working one at that. The best option is to install such a lamp right under the ceiling and not wipe the dust off it.
c) A clock is also an option. A functioning one, of course. The best place for such a wall clock is the kitchen or hallway, where valuables are least likely to be sought.
d) Basement. Or a small space under the stairs. The main thing is that the hatch is not conspicuous and does not creak underfoot. It is best to hide such hiding places under the carpet.
3. Tricks
a) Books.You probably have a couple of volumes that ended up in your library by chance and never made you want to read them. Throwing away books is somehow strange for an intelligent person. Cutting out squares in the pages with a paper press is even stranger, but in this way you can create a small safe for something valuable, and dubious reading material will serve for the benefit of the house.b) Chessboard.Or any other worn-out sports equipment with a thick base. If sports can't save the world, they can save a couple of things dear to your heart.
c) Aerosols. Here you will have to work hard to make sure that the cut of the bottom is not noticeable. It would also be appropriate to cover the walls of the bottle with something soft so that the valuables do not jingle.
d) Pebbles, pieces of wood, shells. In these simple hiding places, which no one ever pays attention to, you can successfully store duplicate keys.