A famous Italian architect toldRoomble, what he dreams of, where he gets his inspiration and where he advises his followers to look for it. He also shared the story of the creation of his most famous project Duilio Forte was born in Milan, and has not only Italian, but also Swedish roots. Therefore, there is no doubt about the main source of his inspiration - where else is they so sensitive to nature and its philosophy as in the Scandinavian countries. It is traditions, mythology and the very essence of human existence in nature that Duilio Forte rethinks in his projects. His installations and buildings seem like a new word in architecture, but their creator himself treats this differently. All the ideas for the interior of the future are already in our past. Human nature has not changed for centuries, and we still have the same problems. And to solve them, you don’t need to go far - you just need to see and understand how our ancestors solved these problems. This is what I do in architecture.
Exploring Norse Mythologyinspired the architect to create installations that were installed not only in Venice, Milan and Turin, but also simply in forests, fields and near water bodies. They are images of mythological and fictional creatures. Moreover, these images carry not only antiquity, but also innovations - they are all interactive and stand on the border between archeology and science fiction. So, in addition to nature, Duilio Forte has other, more specific teachers. Finding a new approach to the old and familiar - this is the task of the architect. For me, an example is the French architect Le Corbusier. It would seem - a window, we know everything about it. Through it, light enters the house, with its help you can ventilate the room or bring a sofa into the house after renovation. And Corbusier created new windows through which you cannot bring a sofa into the house no matter how hard you try. Seeing the new in the old is the main task facing the architect.
Chapel of Ronchamp, architect Le Corbusier HisDuilio Forte tries to pass on his principles and views to the new generation of architects. For this purpose, there is the atelierFORTE studio, founded in 1998, as well as a summer architecture school in Sweden. All training is based on practice, the study of wood and metal, attempts to penetrate the essence of the material and understand how to work with it further. The Italian architect takes this understanding very seriously. A future architect or interior designer must be inquisitive, but at the same time follow their own inclinations. After all, it is impossible to do well what you do not like. And when it becomes clear what you want, you need to work on yourself until you are sure that you do it better than anyone else. With such confidence, it will be much easier to try yourself in new areas.
Another brainchild of Duilio Forte is the ArkiZoic project.Within its framework, modern houses are built in which ancient rituals, culture, and habits of people are preserved. And the most striking example of such a dwelling is the house of the future, created by the architect for the Stanze exhibition (“Rooms. New Concepts of Life”), which took place within the framework of the XXI Triennale in Milan this spring. In every detail, in every piece of furniture, the image of a polar bear can be guessed. In fact, the house itself is a big polar bear. When I conceived the project, I thought about the fact that in the age of innovative technologies, people can very well live in small houses in the bosom of nature and at the same time not feel cut off from the world. But unfortunately, in reality, 50% of humanity now lives in cities. Therefore, my big dream is to build a city in accordance with my views and show how a person can really live in harmony with nature. How would this city be arranged? Let me think - maybe it would be a forest city!
The interview with Duilio Forte took place as part of the program of seminars held at the i Saloni WorldWide Moscow 2016 exhibition at the Crocus Expo exhibition center from October 12 to 15.
The famous architect Duilio Forte gave an interview