The original designer mirror is capable ofdecorate any interior. But what should those who cannot afford expensive interior refinements do? A simple guide to creating an exclusive mirror - in today's master class Surely many of you have encountered a situation when, leafing through a fashion magazine, your gaze literally froze in admiration at the sight of an image of this or that designer accessory. However, after getting acquainted with its cost, you realized that the dream of buying it would have to be put on the back burner. In this case, the main thing is not to give up. The golden rule of creative design: if you can't buy it, do it yourself. Let's say that with the onset of summer you wanted to add a little sun to the interior and decided that the Sunburst designer mirror from Layla Grace would be perfect for this.However, if the cost is 350 conventional unitsyou are not satisfied, we recommend using our instructions and creating your own analogue of this fashionable decorative accessory. To do this, you will need: - a round mirror; - a set of bamboo skewers (in our example, this is a set of 100 pieces, each of which is 30 cm long); - a brass ring for needlework, which can be found in specialized stores (the diameter of the ring should correspond to the diameter of the mirror or be slightly larger); - spray paint "gold metallic"; - hot glue and a glue gun (preferably). Step-by-step instructions: First, you need to create a stencil according to which you will work. You can do this using a computer or manually. We recommend using the template you see in the picture. As a result, you will get a division into 24 equal sections and an inner circle, approximately 2.5-3 cm from the edge.
Then transfer the drawing onto a piece of cardboard,the shape and diameter of which will match the shape and diameter of the mirror. Divide the bamboo skewers you have into 4 stacks of 24 pieces each - these are your future 96 sunbeams. Carefully trim the pointed ends on one side. Put the sticks from the first stack aside. And the sticks from the second, third and fourth stacks need to be tamed by 7, 10 and 13 cm, respectively. Glue the first set of sticks along the lines drawn on the cardboard base. They will play the role of the longest rays. We recommend using a special hot glue gun: it will allow you to work faster and more accurately.
Start gluing the sticks from the second stack not fromcenter, but from the border of the inner small circle. Place them one on each side of every second long ray as shown in the photo.
In the same way, add the sticks from the third stack to the composition, and finally the shortest sticks.
It's time to make bamboo raysgold. To do this, use spray paint that imitates the color of gold. When the paint is completely dry, glue the round mirror on top of the now golden rays so that it coincides with the cardboard base. After this, you will need to glue the brass ring.
It is better if the diameter of the ring is slightly larger than the diameter of the mirror, otherwise you will have to glue it directly to the mirror surface. And it is not so easy to do it neatly.
It remains to take care of the other side of the coin. Or more precisely, the mirror. To do this, you need to glue a fastener on the back of the product, by which it will be suspended.
The work is finished! Now you are the proud owner of a solar designer mirror from _____________ (you can put your first and last name here).
Master-class: we create a designer mirror-sun with our own hands