It's nice to drink coffee while sitting on the couch, but that's allit is uncomfortable to hold a cup in your hands. There is a way out! You will learn how to make a practical sofa table with your own hands from our master class. Agree, how great it is on a frosty winter day (or evening) to settle down on the sofa with your favorite book, sipping a fragrant hot drink. But turning the pages with a cup in your hand is not very convenient. You need a table! Today we will tell you how to make a beautiful and practical sofa table yourself, which will cost you very little. In addition, this convenient accessory takes up practically no space.You will need:
- A wooden board 20 cm wide. The length of the board will depend on the width of the armrest sofa. In our example, the length is 55 centimeters.
- Circular Saw. If there is not one, ask to saw the board in the building store.
- Sandpaper.
- Drawing ruler (flight).
- Pencil.
- Paint masking tape.
- Spray paint is white.
- Colorless impregnation for wood.
Cut the board into three pieces.To do this, mark three consecutive sections on it (in our example - 20, 25 and 10 centimeters). The section in the middle should correspond to the width of the sofa armrest plus two board widths. Now you can start cutting. You need to cut at an angle of 45 degrees. With the first cut, the angle should go to the left, and with the second - to the right. Thus, the middle section will have an oblique edge on both sides, and the others - only on one.
Sand all the surfaces of the boards thoroughly. They should become smooth.
Glue the wooden pieces together. They should touch at the slanted edges so that you end up with a "lame" letter P.
After the glue has dried, stick it onthe front surface of the structure with a strip of masking tape. It is better to do this according to the preliminary markings. Then paint the intermediate areas with white paint.
Once the paint is dry, treat the tablewith a colorless wood impregnation. Leave it to dry again. After the time required for the impregnation to dry, you can use your new miracle table! Put the table on the armrest, put a cup of aromatic drink on it and feel like Julius Caesar, able to indulge in three activities at once: drinking coffee, reading a book and enjoying life!