
As in the movie: John Travolta and Marilyn Monroe in the office of the Moscow film company -


Today we will show you the office whereeveryone would like. In every sense of the word. Because the office itself is good, and working in it is a dream. The almost Hollywood architecture of a building often determines its content, and in the case of the future office of the Fibr Film film company, this rule was no exception. The studio is located in a business center with the telling name "Bolshevik" - in an old building built in the 19th century, once the former confectionery factory of the same name. High ceilings, large windows and a general touch of industrialism led the designers to a logical decision - to decorate the office. The office was supposed to turn out presentable, but not boring, functional and at the same time creative, and, it seems to us, the authors of the project succeeded 100% in all this. Interior Design Workshop Korneev Design Workshop The workshop was founded by designers Anton Korneev and Ekaterina Blokhina. Specialization - design of private and public interiors. Collections of furniture and accessories are made in the workshop according to the author's drawings. Also, designers are engaged in the search and delivery of non-trivial interior items from anywhere in the world. Anton and Ekaterina were faced with both a simple and a difficult task. First of all, they were already familiar with the customer for a long time, and the established relationship of trust allowed the designers to rely on their taste, ideas and experience in everything. At the same time, it was important to think over the layout so that on an area of ​​250 sq. m there was a place for everything you need: from a kitchen to two recording studios. Anton Korneev and Ekaterina Blokhina, designers:- Our customer is a creative person and a professional in his field, with whom we have been working not for the first time. Customers are generally the main source of our inspiration, we know how to listen and hear customers and help them draw up a competent design assignment, on the basis of which their wishes are formed, and we clearly understand what and how to design. As we said, the office was supposed to accommodate many functional areas. Their designers divided them according to colors, and inscriptions and slightly hooligan, but at the same time symbolic graffiti appeared on the walls as a connecting element. For example, the famous image of John Travolta and Samuel Jackson, in whose hands, in the interpretation of the artist Lilia Ilyasova, instead of bananas, microphones were found. In general, the office is made in a laconic monochromeGamma, typical for loft: black, gray and beige colors. But such a gamma does not at all look boring due to bright accents: a poster with a picture of sailors raising a mug, a red sofa in the installation room and wallpaper from O-Design with a picture of the city in the office. Also were chosen classic loft: Glass, leather, brickwork, wood. Partially for the decoration of walls designers chose panels from tinted plywood 1,5 to 1,5 meters. However, that they did not look too simple, it was decided to leave between the sheets of small gaps, which are organically combined with the dark frames of glass partitions, cabinets and doors. Almost all rooms got their own,however, one of the assembly rooms and the corridor were deprived of natural light. To solve this problem and make the office brighter, Anton and Ekaterina introduced transparent partitions and large mirrors into the interior and used internal windows. Special attention should be paid to twoSound recording studios. First of all, they are interesting for their atypical color solution for such premises: instead of neutral beige - green and deep blue. For more comfortable work with sound, the ceiling and walls were draped with a cloth, and the engineering wiring and soundproof mats were hidden under the office's adjustable floors. Of course, the office in which the work is conductedRound-the-clock, simply can not do without a good kitchen. For this purpose, Anton and Ekaterina selected furniture from IKEA and additionally they painted it with slate paint. The interior in general turned out to be minimalistic and even a bit ascetic: black kitchen modules with built-in appliances, a contrasting white table top and a mirror from the antique market as the only decor element. In the interior of this film company, designersWorkshop Korneev Design Workshop embodied their main professional and creative principle - "Doing only what you like", and in general brought to him a lot of personal: for example a poster with the famous blond Marilyn Monroe from a personal collection. Anton Korneev and Ekaterina Blokhina, designers: - In the process of working on the project there were complexities and special tasks, but this is not the most important. The main thing is that all - both the client, and the designers, and performers - responsibly approach their duties. It is then that you get a great result. We worked on the project with a single team and any obstacle before us successfully solved together.

