House and Cottage

How to make a country house: interior color fuchsia


How to make the space bright, but not deliberate,maintaining a reasonable balance of beauty and comfort? Let's look at the example of a house in which the designer has applied several unusual, but very effective techniques. We have already talked about. And this house with an area of ​​73 square meters is located in the village of Laikovo, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region. Its owner decided to transform the living room and kitchen area, turning to the designer Natalia Volkova for help. Why exactly to her? The owner of the house is a creative person, and she turned out to be close to the ideas of Natalia, who in her work prefers to focus on the principles of Japanese aesthetics, namely: free space, the expression of ideas in several strokes, the absence of excess and fuss, the depth of the idea. The conceptual solution for transformations in this house came immediately. Natalia suggested several main “landmarks”: brightness, sophistication, accents in the Art Nouveau style, setting a solemn tone, organic and natural lines, preference for natural materials. Natalya Volkova, designer Graduated from the interior design school "Details". Designs interiors for private and public spaces. She also creates designer decor items. Natalia believes that it is the beauty and sophistication of the Art Nouveau style that inspires many of her colleagues with graceful architectural solutions and subtle color combinations. When developing the project, it was decided to introduce elements of this style in order to make the space being equipped more solemn and bright. The main role in the coloristic solution is played by the fuchsia color - one of the customer's favorite colors. Several of the cushions on the sofa match the hue of the orchid, which supports the hue accent. This flower looks so appropriate and gentle against the gray background of the wall that the whole project was named in his honor - Orchid. The stylistic decision is underlined forgedElements and stained-glass windows, made in the so-called "Tiffany technique." Geometric elements make the interior airy, and the decor with Japanese motifs resembles in shape and shades with the Art Nouveau motif. Judging by the wishes of the customer, she has a delicateartistic taste. It is logical to assume that the sphere of her activity may be related to creativity, for example, with teaching at an art school or directly with participation in the creation of an intellectual product or objects of art. A busy working day in a bustling city environment requires relaxation and rest in the evenings or weekends in suburban seclusion and silence. But the creative nature longs for beauty around him at any time of the day. Hence the similar interior, where you want to dream, create, communicate with loved ones. And for the guests everything is thought out to the smallest detail. The main accent in the living room is a semicircular fireplace. In its decoration was used a mirror mosaic that sets a festive tone for the whole space. The living room is connected to the kitchen, and this space was decided to be executed in warm olive tones, which are harmoniously combined with the color of fuchsia, not allowing it to unduly dominate. Walls and textiles in olive shade are balanced with elements in fuchsia. Convex and smooth details of textiles and also echo in a balanced way. In order to link modern kitchen furniture with the dining area, the designer used inserts of green glass mosaic in the finish of the apron and bar counter. The presence of catchy details in a moderate amount immediately attracts attention to this area of ​​space, but remains within the framework of good taste. The highlight of the dining room was made to orderLamp above the dining table, with beads from onyx, reminiscent of a cup of an exotic flower. Very Japanese, stylish, and at the same time miraculously fits into the dynamics of a country house.

