Beautiful and correct serving of New Year'sThe table setting sets the atmosphere no worse than the Christmas tree and colorful garlands. Each person will spend most of their time at the table on the festive night, which means that it is necessary to start creating the mood right here. Long before December 31, housewives begin to think: what should the festive table be like, how to decorate it, what tablecloths, napkins, and dishes to choose? Moreover, the coming year always has a symbol, and it is customary to reflect it in the table setting. Today we will try to answer all these questions and some other, no less important ones. Textiles and color Table setting begins with the tablecloth, which means textiles are the primary issue. It is he who “sets the tone” or acts as a background for everything else: dishes, decorations, and even dishes. By the way, this year it is recommended to use New Year's textiles precisely as a background. Choose beige, gray, purple colors of pastel shades. Or traditional white. Related articles
Anastasia Zakharova, artist and designer:— The main colors for the New Year's Eve will be green, blue and yellow. It is highly desirable to use all sorts of wooden elements in the decor. They will look great both on the tree and on the table. It is recommended to keep the table decor in white, green, blue and silver tones. It is important to remember that the dishes, napkins and tablecloth should be of the same style. You can use a wooden table surface or a plain tablecloth in neutral shades as a background. Do not forget about suitable fabric napkins and napkin rings (which, by the way, you can easily make yourself). Choose the dishes carefully! All of them should match each other, and it is desirable to have the colors of this year in your decor, by the way, you can set the New Year's table with wooden dishes. Be sure to buy bells or bells that can be tied to ribbons and decorate napkins, fir branches and even guests' chairs.
Live vegetation The Christmas tree is always consideredthe main attribute of the New Year. However, this year the emphasis is slightly shifting from it. And here's how. The table can and should be decorated with live plants. A small tree, topiary or even Christmas tree branches will be the best centerpiece of a festive New Year's table. These can be compositions of branches, candles, cones or even live flowers in water or a pot. Or you can plant ornamental cabbage now so that it has time to grow by the festive night. Related articles
Anastasia Zakharova, artist and designer:— Pay attention to the central part of the table — you can place a traditional spruce wreath with decorations or please the symbol of the coming year with a composition of fresh flowers, plants or even herbs. The combination of pine needles and aromatic spices — cinnamon, star anise, dried citrus rings — looks great. In addition, it will give your interior a unique festive aroma. And the combination of blue or turquoise with brown shades is a recent trend! If you use fresh flowers and plants, do not be afraid to add traditional New Year's decor to the composition — balls, garlands, beads. The house must have a feeling of warmth and comfort. Buy beautiful candles and candlesticks. The best options for the table are glass candlesticks that safely cover the candle flame, and tall candlesticks or candelabra, when the flame is at eye level or slightly higher. The result is not only a wonderful festive table, but also a very special magical lighting, in which you and your guests will look simply irresistible! Knitted things, felt toys or even just multi-colored balls of wool will perfectly complement all the "gifts of the forest": pine cones, pine needles, birch bark. With such materials, you can easily create either the atmosphere of a Russian village or a Scandinavian style.
Laying New Year's table: trends and ideas