Вы мечтаете о стильном интерьере, но в вашей your apartment has low ceilings and little space? We have selected several interesting options for visually expanding the space, and our designers have given excellent advice. The problem of low ceilings worries many. They spoil the appearance of the apartment and make it visually smaller. In addition, they have an unpleasant effect on the psycho-emotional health of the owners. Therefore, changing the interior taking into account low ceilings is a necessary measure. The opinion of designers in this case is unanimous - light shades, glossy (mirror) surfaces and furniture in the style of minimalism, classic or modern. Nothing superfluous.
Low ceiling in the living room
Open up the space as much as possible. Light shades and pastels should dominate the interior. Bright accents are acceptable in small quantities - this could be a painting or a vase.
Low ceilings make the room visuallyless, even if the footage is large. The problem is solved by stretching the walls and visually moving the ceiling away. Do not make massive interior doors, it is better to choose simple furniture with smooth lines (art deco is excluded).
The kitchen is the only room in the house whereнизкие потолки не являются серьёзной архитектурной проблемой. Низкий потолок в кухне в сочетании с правильным зонированием помещения и хорошей мебелью делает комнату более уютной. Отлично, если в кухне есть декоративная печь или нечто подобное. Но основных правил для помещений с низкими потолками никто не отменял. Всё те же светлые оттенки и большие окна с лёгкими полупрозрачными шторами. Если кухня совмещена со столовой зоной, то стол должен быть среднего размера. Если решите разбавить интерьер более тёмными цветами, то остановите свой выбор на оттенках голубого цвета и, как вариант, зелёного и жёлтого.
В спальне с низкими потолками важную роль lighting and furniture play a role. To avoid the feeling of a closed space, it is better to avoid convex lamps, and chandeliers in general. Perimeter lighting or local lighting of certain areas will work great. But if you cannot do without a nice chandelier, let it be a small chandelier in a minimalist style. About the ceiling itself. We have already said that rooms with low ceilings are “saved” by glossy surfaces. To make the ceiling glossy, it is enough to paint the drywall or base prepared for painting with special glossy paint. You can also try the option with a concave ceiling (on the outside, of course). But this is an option for the brave.
In the bedroom, it is permissible to play with color. You can use a variety of shades from the light palette. There is also a choice regarding furniture. But no large geometric shapes and dark tones.
The bathroom, despite its small size and lowceiling, can look very attractive. When decorating this room, you can use different shades and shapes. The only thing you need to avoid when decorating a bathroom is heavy furniture with large brass fittings. Marina Vostrikova, architect of the Guru Design design studio: - The use of light cold shades makes the surface visually more distant. Thus, low ceilings can be painted in cold, white-gray and light pearl shades. Walls in rooms with low ceilings should be decorated in brighter colors than the ceiling, which will also have a positive effect on the perception of the height of the room. As for the texture, gloss or mirror in this case will be an ideal option, since the lack of real height of the room is thus leveled by the illusion of doubling it. Pasting wallpaper with a pattern of vertical narrow stripes on the wall is considered a classic of the genre in such cases. At the same time, it is desirable that the stripe is not too contrasting. livemaster.ru
Several interior accents for an apartment with low ceilings
Pay attention to the length of the curtains, the lamps,furniture and zoning. Low ceilings are not an obstacle to a beautiful and stylish interior, it is important to know how to decorate the room and what design techniques to use.
Designer's Tips
decoist.com, mydomaine.com