Design and Decor

Style eco, and how to create it: features, colors, materials


Eco-style interiors are gaining more and morepopularity. Designer Ekaterina Krymova shared her ideas with us and told us what a real eco-interior should look like. Why do we like it so much? On the one hand, it is a matter of taking care of the environment, on the other, in warm, cozy spaces where you can see it. Eco-interior really allows you to escape from the bustle of the city within the walls of your home. Ekaterina Krymova tells how to create an eco-style interior. Ekaterina Krymova, designer Ekaterina is the executive director of the Art Studio of Larisa Krymova. Graduated from St. Mukhina, has been engaged in interior design for more than ten years as part of the studio. He believes that any interior can be defined, but each one will still retain the individuality introduced by the owner. Space and shapes in eco-interiors - Spacious open spaces, mostly with natural light, not cluttered with furniture and accessories, are most suitable for eco-style. Eco-interiors create harmony in the house, designed to free their owner from the hustle and bustle of city life. The shapes of the furniture with flowing lines are borrowed from nature. Only natural materials and textures. It is very important to think over the lighting: it is better to create several scenarios that make it possible to change the atmosphere depending on the time of day, activities and mood. Eco-style colors Eco-interiors are above allcalm natural shades borrowed from nature itself. Black, brown, green, beige, gray, blue, white - surrounded by these colors and their combinations, the eyes rest. The best way to dilute soothing shades is to add natural greenery, and the more the better. Recently, phytowalls have become popular, allowing not only to add natural brightness, but also a sense of life. Materials for eco-interiors First of all, these areof course, wood, and it should be used not only as massive furniture, but also in decoration. So, wooden beams can appear on the ceilings, panels on the walls, on the floor - solid parquet, inlaid or laid out from a board. For walls in the main rooms of eco-interiors, it is worth using wallpaper made from natural materials, and in the bathroom, turn to the use of natural stone. Textiles for windows and upholstered furniture in eco-interiors should also be of natural origin: linen, wool, matting and others. The feeling of connection with nature will be created by accessories made from natural materials. Decor items in the form of branches, tree trunks, clay or glass vases. To revive a cold vessel, you can set up a small garden in it - you get a real art object. Ecology and eco-style At the origins of eco-style stands,above all, care for the environment. Therefore, the use of plastic, chrome-plated metal and other artificial raw materials is alien to eco-interiors. On the other hand, the use of solid wood for the production of furniture and decorative panels leads to deforestation, which is contrary to environmental principles. An important fact is that many enterprises that produce finishing materials care about the world around them. They use energy-saving lighting and solar panels in production, install additional purification systems and give production waste for recycling. Some manufacturers working with wood products set themselves the task of planting a new one instead of the felled forest. And this is truly a contribution to the protection of the environment.

