Spring has finally come into its own, and thismeans it's time to decorate your home with fresh flowers. Do you think you don't have the talent of a florist? We're ready to argue with that: anyone can easily and naturally create a beautiful bouquet. Three of the easiest ways are in this article In our publications, we often recommend decorating the interior, if not with live plants in pots, then at least with a bouquet of fresh flowers, but we almost never tell you how to create these bouquets. And we're not talking about the complex and original seasonal bouquets we wrote about , but about those small ones that can stand on your table not only on holidays. Let's start small: for you, there are three win-win ways to create a beautiful and harmonious bouquet. Different flowers in the same color scheme First of all, you need to decide on the color. There are no rules or recommendations here: some people like red, some like purple. For example, the author of this master class, blogger Gabriella Palumbo, prefers orange. Once the palette is ready, simply select flowers that are as close as possible in color, but of different shapes and sizes. Roses of any variety and ranunculus go well with each other.The next step is choosing a vase.We wrote about how to choose the right ones for flowers, but for a simple everyday bouquet, something equally simple will do. After that, trim the flowers from below at an angle so that the distance between the bud and the top edge of the vase is about 5 centimeters. This way, the bouquet will not be too short and proportionally tall. Editorial opinion: — An idea to keep in mind:If you don't have a suitable vase, use a glass jar or candlestick instead. When you start assembling the bouquet, choose one flower as the central element and gradually add the rest around it. Make sure that flowers of the same type are distributed evenly over the area of the bouquet and are not all in one part. Also, try to alternate flowers of different sizes. Flowers of one type A very simple option -make a bouquet of flowers of one type. Its beauty is in its brevity, and it will take very little time to make such a bouquet. Just choose the flowers you like: daffodils, garden roses, peonies, hydrangeas or any others.Trim the flowers using the same principle as in the first point, and opt for the same very simple vase. Done! Variety of colors Finally, it's time forthe "richest" bouquet - from different types of flowers and with a more varied color scheme. We act according to the following scheme: we choose the flowers we like and some shade that we will stick to. This could be, for example, a line of purple and pink tones, and for contrast you can add one single, prominent flower.We make the bouquet in the same way as in the first case:We build it around the main flower, not forgetting to alternate varieties, shapes and sizes. Such a bouquet will look great on a bedside table in the bedroom or on a coffee table in the living room.