Black, wood, mirror, concrete and evenflower — your ceiling can become the most unusual detail of the entire interior. Do not rush to just whitewash it, after studying our selection you will want to do something more with your ceiling! We often ask ourselves questions — how to expand the walls, raise the ceilings, make the room more spacious or what to decorate the walls with. But how to decorate the ceiling? Ceiling design for many fades into the background, although it can be decorated in the most incredible way. The ceiling can become the focal point of the entire interior, set a certain mood and tell about the owner of the house as an extraordinary person. You can start with a simple paint job and give your ceiling a new shade, and if you go further — come up with an unusual design for it, make it multi-level or with backlighting. Some people manage to create quite unusual compositions on their ceiling and use materials that we are used to using only on the floor or on the walls, but not on the ceiling. So, let's look at the options for decorating the ceiling, and find out the opinion of designers on this matter. 1. Cover the ceiling with wood — noble and tasteful!2. A reception with wood will be appropriate in rustic styles, in the interior of a summer house or a wooden house.
3.And it is not necessary to cover the entire ceiling with wood. Instead of new wooden boards, you can use the aged options that are fashionable today. They will perfectly harmonize with a Scandinavian or vintage interior.
4. Work with contrasting combinations, as in this photo, where the floor is covered with dark glossy boards, and the ceiling is covered with light wood with a pronounced texture and without a varnish sheen.
5.Here is another option using wood, a combination of materials and colors. Here, the wood of a darker shade predominates, and part of the ceiling is finished with light wood. This way, it was possible to balance the space.
6. Speaking of contrasting shades, take a look at this bright ceiling, which seems to challenge the surrounding space, taking all the attention.
7. Why not paint the ceiling in your favorite color?
8. You can go further and paint bright and cute flowers on the ceiling...
9. - which looks quite unusual in the loft style!
10. But how spectacular, bright, cheerful! Your interior will sparkle with completely different colors, and the atmosphere in it will become friendly and pleasant.
11. If you are not lacking artistic talent, then you have every chance to make your interior individual, for example, if you paint the walls and ceiling in an interesting way.
12. Want it to be not only beautiful but also functional? Use mirrors in your ceiling decor.
13. If you are concerned that the entire ceiling will be mirrored, use mirror tiles partially, for example, in the form of honeycombs, which are very popular in interior design today.
14. A technique with a transparent ceiling looks much more unusual and bold.
15. You can even use the ceiling as a zoning element.
16. For example, using wooden beams to define a dining area.
17. Or divide the space with the color of the ceiling.
18. Speaking of color.Some people are afraid to use black in the interior, especially in the ceiling design. In fact, it looks pretty good. Maria Serebryanaya, architect, co-owner of the architectural studio "Dom-A": - There is an opinion that dark ceilings visually reduce the height of the room. But this is a misconception. On the contrary, it is a decorated, active ceiling that creates the feeling of its absence. Moreover, if the ceiling is unacceptably low, an absolutely black ceiling can help us get rid of the feeling of spatial "squeezing". 19. For the sake of expressing their individuality, people go to great lengths. For example, the owners of this apartment decided not to stop at a black ceiling and complemented it with fittings painted in a light beige shade.
20.Another unusual type of ceiling finishing is decorating with floor or wall tiles. Moreover, the patchwork technique (when the pattern is assembled from tiles of different colors or shapes that stylistically echo each other) will look spectacular.
21. You can also use wallpaper from your favorite collection as a decorative element.
22. Adherents of the classics can choose stucco or decorative ceiling moldings for ceiling decoration.
Yulia Kirpicheva, interior designer:— The classic ceiling finish is plaster molding. Various elements can be used as plaster decor: rods, corners, plaster tiles, rosettes, coffers. In a room of regular shape, it is good to use a rod along the perimeter of the ceiling, you can also combine a rod with corners. This technique is quite standard, does not take much on itself, but looks neat and aesthetically pleasing. With the help of plaster finishing, you can create various ornamental patterns on the ceiling. The main condition is the height of the ceiling: the higher it is, the more impressive the pattern looks. 23. And if you complement the figured ceiling with built-in lamps, you will make it even more impressive.
24. Since we are talking about built-in lighting, we will look at several unusual solutions.
25.The first of them is the simplest and most frequently used: a multi-level plasterboard structure with built-in lighting. The ceiling shapes can be the most bizarre and unusual, which is a big plus of this technique. But it should be used in rooms with high or medium ceilings. In rooms with low ceilings, this technique will only work to reduce the space.
26. The next, no less interesting option is to decorate the ceiling with unusual lamps. Moreover, decorate its entire surface.
27. How do you like the stepped ceiling with lighting?
28. Experiment not only with built-in lighting, but also with the shape of the ceiling itself. Don't be afraid of broken geometric shapes.
29. Correctly chosen broken lines can increase space
30. With a skillful and creative approach, your ceiling can become a real decoration of the interior.
Unusual design of the ceiling interesting ideas