What to do with the cat litter box, router, TV andelectronics? Hide, of course! But where, how and, actually, why - read in our new material A beautiful interior often looks best on the day of delivery or completion of repairs. However, as soon as we begin to inhabit the prettier area, here and there ugly details appear, such as wires, routers, cat litter boxes, etc. Our material today will teach you, if not to hide unpleasant, but necessary details, then at least to improve them.
1. Space under the bathtub
How we love to store all sorts of things therewe constantly promise ourselves that as soon as we do the renovation, we will find a new cozy "home" for all this stuff! And now the renovation is done, the bathtub is installed, but something is still wrong. The white bowl looks too bare and out of place surrounded by... what kind of tiles do you have in your bathroom? What should we do? Buy a couple more meters of tiles. Or artificial stone - a matter of taste. Finish the bathtub façade with a suitable coating and enjoy the result.
2. Cat's house
Oddly enough, the master toilet is not the besta place for the cat's "outhouse". Cramped. Our bathrooms are very cramped for "sub-tenants". But putting the litter box in the bedroom, living room or, heaven forbid, in the kitchen is no better idea. So, it needs to be hidden. A nightstand, console or small false chest of drawers will do just fine.
3. Bookshelves
If your book collection is still small orthere is no room for a full-fledged bookcase, we strongly recommend that you get these invisible shelves. With their help, you can effectively decorate any room and not worry about the design of the shelves themselves.
Editorial opinion:— Such shelves can be used not only for storing books. You can safely place houseplants, art objects or personal collections on the stacks with the least read books.
4. Painting and decorations
It only makes sense to display costume jewelrya specially equipped place for this - a ladies' corner. In the absence of such feminine happiness, we are forced to hide jewelry in chests, boxes, caskets, etc. However, there is a much more elegant way. In a carpentry workshop, you can order a small hanging box with a painting, collage or photograph on the door.
5. Staircase
Why let such goodness go to waste?How much storage space can be equipped in a simple staircase! You can make open shelves, or pull-out drawers. One thing is for sure: you will thank your bright head more than once for this extremely practical idea.
6. TV
A TV is not the best piece of furniture if,Of course, you are not a fan of Suprematism in the form of an imitation of Malevich's "Black Square". Decorating a TV is difficult, and logically fitting it into the interior is even more difficult. The best solution may be the same painting or any art work of a suitable size. A retractable mechanism would be an ideal solution, but in the absence of the possibility to mount a complex mechanism, you can build a box with a folding frame.
Editorial opinion: - This version of a hidden TV is especially suitable for a children's or playroom. The door can be locked with a key and opened only at the will of the parents.
7. Refrigerator
We don't always have this essential itemwe can change it during the renovation process, but it is quite possible to decorate it. Using self-adhesive film, the refrigerator can be connected to the background, made part of the overall composition, or, conversely, turned into the main accent.
8. Electronics Box
Wires, chargers and more wires.An unpleasant detail of everyday life, which is not so easy to hide, but can be simply put away in a drawer. Together with an extension cord and equipment. You will have to tinker with the electrics, but the goal is worth it.
9. Router
Many of us can no longer imagine life without Wi-Fi.life, but despite this, router manufacturers do not think much about their design. Routers have to be hidden, but not too far away, so as not to damage the signal. Now in stores you can find special containers in a modern minimalist style. But you can get by with "less bloodshed" by making a couple of holes for wires in cardboard or wooden boxes.
10. Wires
The most unpleasant and "unmanageable"a necessity of the 21st century. How to cope with the problem? We suggest you choose electronics with the longest wires and stock up on construction staples. With a little imagination and a couple of hours, you can create a nice accent decor from boring wires.
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