Most of the time we spend inbedroom, our eyes are closed and darkness reigns around. Do you think that the color scheme of the interior is not so important here? You are wrong, research by scientists has shown that the duration and quality of sleep is directly affected by the color we see before falling asleep. We are designed in such a way that colors affect our mood, concentration, performance and appetite. Even in the temples of Ancient Egypt, special rooms were arranged in which the rays were refracted and demonstrated certain shades of the spectrum. It was believed that the sun god Ra communicated with the priests in this way, inspiring them with joy and optimism. Now scientists know how different tones in the interior affect blood pressure, heart rate and vision, activity and academic performance. These findings are especially important for the bedroom - the place where we spend a third of our lives, which determines the quality of the remaining two thirds. Purple bedroom Purple is a mixture of two colors, blue and red. And if blue calms, then red, on the contrary, excites and invigorates, which is not quite appropriate in the bedroom. According to research, this design is the most undesirable of all options; on average, the duration of sleep here does not exceed 6 hours. But this tone is often chosen by creative people, considering it mystical and mysterious. If this is about you, try to give preference to colder, bluish shades of purple - violet and indigo, for example, so as not to suffer from insomnia.
Brown bedroom Brown is a verya practical choice. Yes, it reminds you of the beauty of wood grain, but it is too dark and boring. Most often, it is chosen by people who are tired of the large number of decisions in their lives and exhausted by communication. It grounds and inspires calm, but does not contribute to excellent sleep, the average duration of rest in such an environment is only about 6 hours.
Gray Bedroom Gray is certainly elegant,a noble and fashionable color. It is an ideal background for paintings and a great option for a living room or even a kitchen. But it is sad in the bedroom. Studies have shown that people who choose it abuse online shopping, sleep restlessly and try not to show emotions, which is not very good for the nervous system. However, gray has many shades, if you are in love with this color, choose those with a blue or yellow pigment in the base.
Golden Bedroom It is logical that about goldenbedrooms, according to research, are dreamed of by real estate agents and bankers, that is, people who work with money. Gold seems to be an optimistic and joyful color, at the same time signaling luxury and prosperity. But in reality, this color provokes conflicts, including internal ones, and does not allow you to get enough sleep. If you want to feel like you are in a palace, it is better to limit yourself to golden details and accessories.
Red Bedroom Everyone knows that red isenergetic and active color. It increases body temperature, makes muscles elastic, joints mobile, promotes adrenaline production. Many need its effect so much to wake up in the morning that they are even ready to tolerate its not the best effect on rest time - it is difficult to fall asleep in such an environment and sleep lasts on average no more than 7 hours. But awakening is easy.
Orange Bedroom Orange is in fifth placeamong the colors that promote healthy, long sleep. This warm shade promotes muscle relaxation and excellent digestion - you sleep well even after a heavy dinner. And it also inspires optimism and a good mood upon awakening. According to scientists, it is preferred by kind and life-loving people. It is always pleasant to consider yourself one of them.
Silver Bedroom Worth adding to not the mostsleep-friendly metallic gray — you get silver. Scientists believe that it reminds you of the moonlight, so it signals the brain "time to sleep" and calms the nerves. This color has the fourth place in the ranking, people sleep in silver bedrooms on average 7 and a half hours. Not bad at all.
Green Bedroom Third place - everyone's favoritegreen. This is the most common color in nature - one look at it calms and has a positive effect on vision and the nervous system. In such a bedroom it is easy to fall asleep and wake up full of energy. Scientists say that self-sufficient and hard-working people choose this tone more often than others.
The yellow bedroom "Hero" in second place is surprising:This is yellow. It seems too much for a restful sleep, but nevertheless it relaxes and soothes, inspiring joy and lightness of thoughts. On average, the participants of the experiment slept in bedrooms with a predominance of cheerful yellow for 7 hours and 40 minutes. During this time, you can get a great night's sleep.
Blue Bedroom Finally, the best color,According to research by scientists, the color that practically guarantees a calm 8-hour sleep is blue. By the way, more than half of the experiment participants claim that they wake up in such an interior completely happy! The secret is that shades of blue reduce blood pressure and pulse rate, and on a psychological level are associated with the sea, sky and infinity, and this contributes to peace and tranquility in the soul. So choose heavenly and icy blue if you want to get enough sleep.
So, the researchers argue that the receptorsin our eyes, responsible for signals to the brain that control biorhythms, are most sensitive to shades of blue and blue. Bonus: this color reduces appetite (goodbye, night snacks) and makes people more punctual, so no late for work. But do not forget about the rules of harmony when decorating the bedroom, do not limit yourself to one tone, think through - this way the effect will be more balanced. And another piece of good news: scientists say that any color can improve your mood and quality of sleep - if the owner of the room sincerely considers it his favorite.
The color of the bedroom: what color combination is better to use in decoration