With your own hands

Master class: a homemade Moroccan-style coffee table

Every interior should have a highlight –an item that will stand out from the rest. For example, an original Moroccan-style table, which you can make using scrap materials and our master class. To become the happy owner of an exclusive designer item, you will need to spend a lot of time and money. It is much easier to become the smiths of your own happiness, turning to the golden rule "Do it yourself". Today we offer you to transform the interior with the help of such an unusual coffee table, shaped like a traditional percussion instrument of African peoples.You will need:

  • round wooden table top (taken, for example, at an old and already unnecessary round table, bought or sawed alone);
  • a round element for the footrest (it can be made of various materials: wood, metal, chipboard);
  • support axis (in our example, a part of the gypsum column, which can be ordered in the sculptor's workshop, is used, but it can be replaced, for example, with a fragment of a wooden beam);
  • vinyl tapes;
  • paint with glossy effect;
  • carnations for furniture upholstery with wide hats;
  • liquid Nails.

The entire creative process consists of two stages:assembly of the frame and decoration. Using liquid nails, we “nail” the base and tabletop to the support axis. Paint the frame with white paint with a glossy effect. Cut vinyl strips and fix them along the edges of the tabletop with nails. Tighten the strips around the column leg, using one of them. Fix the free ends of the strips under the base with glue, a stapler or other devices at hand. For ease of operation, it is recommended to turn the table upside down. Important: the strips must be fixed in a taut state. Only under this condition will the table be able to acquire the intended exotic shape. Choose a worthy place for your new coffee table and get ready to receive compliments from guests!apartmenttherapy.com

