This essentially classic loft with leather sofas and brick walls has a lot to offer. We were most impressed by the glass floors in the library
This Huge New York Loft by ODAarchitecture can be safely considered an urban alternative to a country house. A calm modern interior with a slight hint of the now incredibly popular 60s. Unpretentious traditional forms, simple materials natural for a loft space are only occasionally diluted with bright solutions and accents.
Perhaps the most active detail of the interior iscityscape outside the windows. There are plenty of opportunities to see the city that never sleeps here - the only windows we missed were on the stairwells and in the kitchen.
One of such solutions is a glass floor inlibrary, located on the second level directly above the living room. The bedroom is quite small in comparison with the rest of the space and is very light - most of the walls are painted white here.
The same white walls can be seen in the kitchen. Here they are meant to contrast with the rich dark wood fronts. The white marble countertop and Metro apron support the idea.
The bright spots in this interior are mostly paintings and photographs. The art pieces are quite different both in style and age.
The spacious terrace behind the black French doors deserves special mention. It replaces the owners' yard, and is quite accessible for use all year round.