White apartments are not Scandinavia.This is light, purity, volume and air. These are spaces that are unusual and cozy at the same time. Our selection today is for lovers and admirers of white. We most often associate white interiors with Scandinavian interiors. However, this is far from a rule. Many people choose white as the main color to push the walls apart as much as possible, let in sunlight and fill the space with air. Light walls are also a great background for all kinds of experiments with style and decor. We have selected five of the most beautiful white interiors of 2016, so that you can see for yourself: white is not boring. Can an apartment in St. Petersburg always be light and sunny? Is it possible to create an interior without corners? This project answers both questions in the affirmative. It is not often that we are able to call a project unusual or memorable. Therefore, it is always a pleasure to do so. Today we will show exactly such an original one, filled with smooth lines, devoid of corners and flooded with sunlight.This minimalist style is designed for the youngfamilies with a small child. The head of the family works in sales, the owner is currently on maternity leave with her daughter. On weekends, friends and relatives come to visit them, who often stay overnight, and the family also likes to spend weekends at their dacha. It was important for the customers that the interior of their apartment be light and comfortable, with white walls and natural oak on the floor, and the authors of the project tried to take their wishes into account.
In the architectural environment, the personality of SergeiNasedkina has become a cult figure in recent years, and therefore each new project is perceived as an event. This one, called Apartment W_G+BETO by the author, is a vivid illustration of Sergey's signature style - lightness along with monumentality, coziness - with technology.
The concept is based on a contrasting combinationblack and white and the use of glossy and mirror surfaces. This was one of the customer's requirements. Based on these two colors, not only the lighting but also the furniture was selected.
A family of three housewives - a mother and her two daughters, aged 9 and18 years old — I wanted a house where there would always be a warm and cozy atmosphere. And of course, as many places and areas as possible for storing all sorts of little things. All the wishes were voiced to interior designer Oksana Tsymbalova, who turned this into a kingdom of comfort and relaxation.
White apartment: 5 examples of interior design