Apartments up to 45 sq.m.

How to make an apartment in the attic: a real example from Sweden


Non-standard approach, the right choice of colors,simple decor elements can make any interior cozy and homely. Even in a small area. In this we were convinced by the interior of the apartment located on one of the Swedish attics. The apartment is located in an old building, built in 1918. Not the simplest version of the layout: an attic with beveled walls, a window and beams on the ceiling. How did her tenants manage to get rid of the feeling of crowdedness, and turn disadvantages into advantages?

To get rid of the feeling of narrowness

Since the apartment has a small area andnon-standard layout, light gray palette is perfect for her. To visually raise and expand the space, the beams were also painted in one color. This erases boundaries and removes the feeling of tightness. An added bonus is the skylight. Thanks to this, there is a feeling of airiness. The chandelier was specially selected to match. Its broken shape looks interesting: like a part of a ceiling or wall floating in the air. Apparently, an emotionally restrained student settled here. She is no longer a freshman, she likes to read and knit. Such an interior is chosen by serious, practical personalities.

In contrast

It was possible to optically change the space thanks tocontrast of light and dark. Wooden objects, wicker baskets look especially impressive, creating additional comfort and warmth. This is especially valuable in cold climates. Hence the desire to warm up better, so knitted things as a decor look so harmonious here. The floor has become a great backdrop for the entire interior. In addition, the dark covering underfoot is associated with the earth, which gives the room a natural and peaceful atmosphere. There is an opinion that the dark color of the floor visually narrows the room, but only if the color combination is incorrectly selected. In this case, this did not happen. Our opinion: - The owner of the apartment prefers black and white contrasts in clothes. The wardrobe is selected according to the principle of convenience and practicality. The presence of gray in the interior indicates that the girl values ​​inner peace more than vivid impressions.

Cons, which became pluses

Non-standard layout does not allow to accommodatea lot of furniture, but the right approach helps to find a way out of any situation. Therefore, every corner was used to the maximum in the apartment: both the windows and the space under the sloping walls. Some of the books were simply left on the floor. Next to the chimney, a mini-dressing room was made with a sliding curtain to match the walls. No mess and clutter. Everything is in its place, and there is quick access to all things.

Style with a man's character

The interior is made in Scandinavian style, wheredominated by male simplicity, restraint and naturalness. The Swedes are distinguished by their equanimity. Outwardly, they seem very soft, but they have great inner strength. Their national character traits are endurance, independence and perseverance. It is not customary for them to flaunt their social status. All these qualities are manifested in this apartment. Our opinion: - But still there lives a girl who loves jewelry. For their storage, there are special devices in the form of hands on the window. The owner of the apartment is not devoid of sensuality and elegance, although she prefers naturalness and restraint in everything.

